Tasty gummies replace the need for gels
Dreaming of running a marathon but don’t know where to start? Whether you're a complete beginner or someone looking to elevate their fitness game, this guide is for you! Training for London Marathon (or any other marathon distance event) might seem daunting, but with the right plan, mindset, and support, you can transform from a marathon hopeful to a marathon finisher. Let’s dive into the essentials of marathon training, from building your base fitness to crossing that finish line with confidence!
It’s the start of a new year, which means marathon season is approaching. You’ve probably chosen your target race and dialled your training plan, but have you given much thought to your nutrition strategy? If not, you’re missing a key opportunity to improve your performance and recovery.
If you're new to running or sports nutrition, you may have come across energy gels and wondered what’s actually inside them. GU Energy gels are packed with ingredients that help fuel your runs and keep you feeling strong. Here’s a breakdown of the key ingredients in these gels and why they’re important for runners like you.
Electrolytes are minerals in your body and blood that affect how your body functions, particularly during exercise. When you sweat, you lose electrolytes, specifically sodium (hello, salty sweat!). Athletes should aim to replace 300-800mg of sodium per hour of activity.
It all started in 1993 in a Berkeley, CA kitchen. Our founder, Dr. Bill Vaughan was on a mission to create a better, more easily-digestible fuel for his ultra-runner daughter to race at the iconic Western States 100.
Taking in the right nutrients at the right time allows you to perform your best and feel great doing it. Our Energy Gels contain carbohydrates, electrolytes, and amino acids to keep you going strong.
If it doesn't taste good, athletes won't use it. That's why we continue to add new flavours to our line-up each year. We focus on sweet, sour, bitter, and salty tastes to make sure there's a GU flavour for every craving.
We first created our original gel packets for ultra-trail runners pushing the boundaries of the sport, but over 30 years later, our Energy Gels are just as beneficial for someone hitting the gym after work as they are for world champion triathletes, cyclists, and runners.
Designed for tough efforts when you need a little more. Roctane Energy Gels have extra electrolytes for hydration and BCAAs to protect your muscles.
Carbohydrates and electrolytes in one bottle make it easy to stay fueled and hydrated when you're going all out.
High quality whey protein helps repair and rebuild muscle tissue after hard efforts.